Windows. The majority of the people who have visited my blog have Windows installed on their computers. 96% of my readers use Windows, 3% use Mac, and 1% use an unspecified operating system. Looks like Mac people don't like me (or maybe they're not readers :D).
Firefox. Internet browsers retrieve, present, and traverse information resources on the World Wide Web. They are what you use to search the Internet. The most popular Internet browser, that my readers use is Mozilla Firefox with 79%. Internet Explorer is next with 15%, Safari (not to be confused with Shelfari) with 5%, and Java with 1%.
Israel. I would have thought that the people who have viewed my blog were residents of the U.S., but I was wrong. I have received three page views from Canada, and surprisingly one page view from Israel. A note for my foreign readers: Keep visiting!
A few other stats:
1. On average, I receive 5-30 page views per day
2. The slide show with pictures from my trip to Europe was viewed twenty-two times
3. The least amount of views to my blog occurred between June 19th-June 30th, roughly the time when I was in Europe, and unable to post.
4. Fourteen viewers have found my blog through Google searches
Well, I think that's all have to say for now. Look for a loooonnnng overdue review of The Forest of Hands and Teeth tomorrow. I finished it about two weeks ago, but I keep forgetting to update! :)
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