Sunday, July 4, 2010

See Europe From Your Own Computer

Happy 4th of July!
I knew that my family and friends would want to know every detail from my recent trip to Europe, so I decided to create a slide show
with my pictures from the trip. Then I got the idea to talk about my trip on The Bookshelf. However, instead of writing a long, run-on post (remember the last post?), I decided adding the slide show would be a good way to communicate the events of my trips to my readers. Unfortunately, since I won't be there with you, I won't be able to tell you about the places that I visited. There are captions, but you still may not know what the things in the pictures are, so I would be glad to answer any questions from you. If you have a question (or comment), just leave it in the "comment section". I'll try to respond as quickly as possible. Unfortunately (again), the font I had originally used, is not compatible with Blogger, so I had to use a default font. A few other things weren't compatible either, but it doesn't distract from the slide show.

I hope you like this slide show, and enjoy seeing France and Spain through your computer screen.


  1. Love your pictures and your website!!! You are one smart cookie!!!

  2. um yeah
    the pics are cool but wheres barcelona?
    by steve

  3. @steve
    Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain. It's know for its many tourist attractions, including La Sagrada Familia, a huge cathedral. I'm glad that you enjoyed my pictures, and hope you continue to visit The Bookshelf!


  4. Jacob those pictures were so awesome! O and I did google it.

