The main character of this book, Mary, lives with her family and friends in a village that's surrounded on all sides by fence. Outside the fence is a supposedly never-ending forest. In this forest are hordes of the living dead, better known as zombies! The zombies, which are known as the Unconsecrated, claw at the chain-linked fence all day, desperate to reach the humans in the village.
The Sisterhood, a group of very religious unmarried women, are the leaders of this isolated village. While the Guardians, a very loose "army", protect the villagers and guard the fence. The villagers are taught to trust these leading figures.
Mary lives through her adolescent life believing and trusting the leaders of the village. But one day, when the fence is breached, Mary's life is turned upside down. Everything that Mary once believed is now untrue. And at the brink of death, Mary and her friends escape the village, and travel into the forest. She now must face a world that she never knew existed. She must confront her friends on issues that she never dreamed of facing. She must learn to live in a new world.
I found this book a pleasurable and enjoyable read. I was amazed how the author, despite this being a zombie book, was able to use very descriptive and poetic words to create this novel.
This is the first book in a trilogy. The second book, The Dead-Tossed Waves, was also a great book. However, I won't be reviewing it, because it would give away too many spoilers from The Forest of Hands and Teeth. The final book in the trilogy will be released in March of next year.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
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