Monday, May 17, 2010

ALA's 100 Most Banned/Challenged Books

A few weeks ago the American Library Association released a list of the 100 most banned and challenged books of the past decade (2000-2009). Topping this list is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. It's interesting to see the reasons why these books were put on the list. Harry Potter was put on this list due to complaints about Satanism, violence, religious viewpoints, and anti-family. What I think is that those people who are complaining are being too picky. I mean anti-family? Really? But that's just my opinion.

Also on the list: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor.

I noticed that almost every book on that list has been or is a popular, bestselling book. Many of the books are also some of the most loved books of all time. Maybe the more popular a book gets, the more unpopular it gets, too. And maybe not every book is meant for everyone.

I do agree that some of the books on this list are "eyebrow raisers", but whether they should be banned? That's up to you.


  1. I have read all of the books you mentioned, and I find nothing wrong with them, they are only being banned because of the need for political correctness.

  2. I agree. Some people get worked up about little things, just because it's not what they want. If they don't like the book, they should just not read it!
