Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Results Are In! (Poll #5)

The readers of The Bookshelf have voiced their opinions, and the results of the fifth poll are in! After reading and reviewing I Am Number Four, which is now a movie, I was inspired to create a poll to see how other people like their favorite (or even not so favorite) books being adapted into movie form. I believe it is safe to say that no one thinks the movie adaptions are better than the books, but there are a few movies that stay pretty truthful to the book counterpart. However, in my opinion, the number of movie disasters that don't stay truthful to the books greatly outnumber those that do. Head on over to this post to read more about a very fragile subject, deep and personal to me...

On to the results! The question: What's your view on books being made into movies? And the results:

  • They're great - I love seeing my favorite books on the big screen! 0 votes, 0%
  • They can be pretty good, but often don't stay truthful to the book. 11 votes, 64%
  • I don't watch them because I know they won't be good. 4 votes, 23%
  • Two words: absolutely horrible! 2 votes, 11%
As you can see, option numero dos is the winner, with well over half of the votes. This is how I, and according to this poll, everyone else, think about books being made into movies; they can be good, but only if the Hollywood puts in the effort to stay truthful to the book. Thankfully, no one voted for option number one (it pained me to type that option). Second and third place were I don't see them at all and horrible!, respectively.

And the biggest win, well at least for me, was that seventeen people voted - a NEW RECORD for The Bookshelf. Thanks, you guys. I just may have to publish an extra, reward poll sometime soon (hint, hint).

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