I usually refuse to read novels with illustrations. Call it whatever you want: comic book, graphic novel, manga, picture book, I prefer my fiction in the written word. However, Happyface, which I thoroughly enjoyed, is in fact part words, part pictures. Of course, I enjoyed the words much more than the picture counterparts, but I found myself oddly attracted to the pictures that beautifully illustrate this story. Mind you, this book is not like a comic book with different panels and speech bubbles, but more like a story, a journal actually, that has both beautiful and whimsical drawings interspersed within the text (similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, for those of you who have read it). I found myself astonished at the fact that my view of graphic novels was very two dimensional and stereotypical. This book may have changed my view on graphic novels. I smell a new poll idea…
With that being said, let’s get to the story. Happyface starts off with an unnamed fourteen-year-old boy receiving a journal from his father, an aspiring author. He journals about his family life, his parents who are at odds with each other, his perfect older brother, Everett, and his only best friend, Chloe, with whom he also has a major crush. The narrator lives a quiet life, hiding in the shadow of his brother, disconnected from his parents, not talking to many people. Then one day, the boy’s parents split, and he moves to a small apartment with his mom. When I was reading this part in the book, I was baffled; the narrator went from living an okay life, to, all of a sudden, moving to a new place, leaving behind his dad, his school, Chloe, his brother. There was no reason given to the reader as to why he was moving, except for his parents’ marital troubles, especially with alcohol. I chalked this up to poor writing (which did not help my view of illustrated novels, at the time), only to realize later that something else happened, something major that the author was not ready to reveal.
The narrator begins life at his new school with a very cliche attitude: that he can recreate his life. He takes his once quiet, introverted personality and adds oomph to by doing one thing: smiling. Through many difficult situations he keeps smiling, which earns him the nickname, Happyface. He makes new friends, new enemies, and a new crush. He desperately wants Gretchen, a popular girl, to love him, but as the reader discovers, probably not for the right reasons. Happyface was traumatized by events that occurred in his past, and he feels the need to be known, wanted. He develops a false identity as an always happy person that doesn’t let anything faze him, and he quickly climbs up the social food chain.
Not only does he hurt himself in this big coup, but he also hurts the people around him. His real personality and past begin to shine through this mask he created for himself, and he is confronted by his demons.
This is a great coming-of-age novel that shows how different people respond to tragedies. Happyface runs from the truth and the pressure and guilt soon builds up, builds up so much that he almost explodes of falsity. He learns that he must face his past, the people that deceived him, and the people that he lost, in order to move on. He soon discovers that he can’t fix everything just by smiling.
Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars
OMG HI JHOP!!!!! GUESS WHOOO..... HAHA ITS ME! CLAM! R-FLA! REGINA! YAY! HAHA this sounds like a good book... i probably wouldnt read it though because i would get mad at the narrator for being two-faced haha. i have yet to read the newest post, Z for Zachariah, because i thought i should start from the oldest i havent read and work my way up the page :) cant wait for more polls!
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