Shelfari, a combination of the words "shelf" and "safari", is a website for books and readers. Recently, I set up an account with Shelfari. This account allows me to display my books on a virtual shelf. On Shelfari's website, I find the books that I've read, I plan to read, and I'm reading now, and add them to my "shelf". Upon doing this, I can see the book cover on my shelf, and click on them to get more information (synopsis, reviews, character list, author, etc.). In addition, you can rate/review the book for yourself. Another one of my favorite things about Shelfari, is that you can put your virtual shelf on your blog.
As you may have noticed, a smaller version of my shelf is located on the right side of the blog (under the polls). This shelf just shows some of the books that I've added to my account. If you want to see my entire shelf, just click on the word Shelfari, located on top of the shelf. This brings you to Shelfari's website. Here you can see the big version of my shelf, along with my ratings.
Important note: I had some trouble getting the shelf on my blog, and I am experiencing some other problems, too. Because of this, I'm making this shelf on my blog experimental. At any time I could remove it from the blog. If these were to happen, I would include a link to the website, so you could continue the view my books.
I hope you enjoy this new feature on The Bookshelf, and stick with me through the technical problems that I may have.
P.S.- I'm extending the date that the polls close by one week. There's only five votes (on each poll) so far. We can do better than that! :) New date that the polls close: August 8th