Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Results Are In! (Poll #7)

WE DID IT! Or rather, YOU DID IT! Here, in all its glittery, poorly designed glory are the results to the RECORD-BREAKING Poll #7! (For those of you, do not want to suffer the pain of reading my poorly designed monstrosity, you will find the written results of Poll #7 under the picture page spread.)

If you're wondering why there is a girl shooting a shark with a...harpoon gun (?), it's because it's the only (legal) online Guinness World Record page spread that worked with the information that I had....

Easy-to-read results:

First place: Yes, I may read a few books with thirteen votes! What a wonderful first place – it's not an extreme (like, "Yes, I'll be reading five hundred pages a day!" or on the other side of the spectrum, "No. Books disgust me."); it's a perfect medium.

Second and Third Places: Yes! I'll be reading throughout the summer (with ten votes) and Maybe, it depends on how busy I am (with six votes).

Last Place: With ZERO votes, No! Why would I read during the summer? Thankfully, there were zero votes. I mean, really? Whether you're into books or not, you'll probably be reading something over the summer: newspapers, Facebook status updates, cereal boxes, etc, etc. For those hypothetical people (since no one actually vote for this option), I dare you to count how many  times per day you read something. I imagine you'll be surprise.

Add up all the votes: 13 + 10 + 6... and you get TWENTY-NINE VOTES! A new record for The Bookshelf, with twelve votes more than the previous record (Poll #5 - seventeen votes). I am so proud of you guys (and girls)! You've set a difficult record to beat, but I have feeling that we can do it again next time! Look for Poll #8 arriving around mid July!

Thank you!

– Jacob

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